Capital Projects
North Charleston Sewer District has applied for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funding through the South Carolina Emergency Management Division (SCEMD) as a sub-recipient.
Under the national Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), federal actions must be reviewed and evaluated for feasible alternatives and for social, economic, historic, environmental, legal, and safety considerations. Under Executive Order (EO) 11988 and EO 11990, FEMA is required to consider alternatives to and to provide a public notice of any proposed actions in or affecting floodplains or wetlands. EO 1298 also requires FEMA to provide the opportunity for public participation in the planning process and to consider potential impacts to minority and low-income populations. This notice may also fulfill requirements under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).
Funding for the proposed project will be conditional upon compliance with all applicable federal, tribal, state, and local laws, regulations, floodplain standards, permit requirements and conditions.
Applicant: North Charleston Sewer District
Project Title: Powerhouse and Mulberry Pump Station Emergency Generators
Location of Proposed Work:
Name of Structure: See Table
Address of Structure: See Table, North Charleston, Charleston County, SC
A map showing the location of all properties is available by contacting:
Jarred R. Jones,
Facility | Address | Latitude | Longitude | Date of Construction |
Powerhouse Pumpstation | Hobson Ave, North Charleston, SC | 32.861699 | -79.968584 | 1998 |
Mulberry Pumpstation | Holland St./Dyess Ave, North Charleston, SC | 32.848360 | -79.945248 | 2001 |
Special Flood Hazard Area Zone: The project areas listed above are for new generators and improvements to existing pump stations located in flood zone AE (1% annual chance flood elevation). Confirmation of location in an SFHA was made by reference to the latest Flood Insurance Rate Map, Panel 4501C0501K and 45019C0502K. The proposed work conforms to all applicable State of South Carolina and local floodplain regulations. The proposed work will be installed adjacent to the existing pump station and will have no effect on the local floodplain.
Proposed Work and Purpose: NCSD is requesting funds to furnish two new emergency generators and install the generators above the 100-yr flood elevation, elevated automatic transfer switch (ATS) and other controls equipment and perform pump station upgrades. The purpose of this project is to keep the pump stations operational during a 100-yr flood and other major storm/weather events.
Project Alternatives:
Alternative #1 (no action alternative): If no action is taken to protect the openings of these public facilities, it will result in the loss of sanitary sewer service after a storm surge, flooding, or power loss. Critical agencies such as US Coast Guard, South Carolina Ports, a Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, SPAWAR, along with other commercial and residential area would be without service for an extended period. Potential for sanitary sewer overflows contaminating surrounding land and waterbodies. Temporary fixes would take weeks and a permanent fix would take months to implement.
Alternative #2: The only feasible alternative to the proposed project would be to eliminate the pump stations in the flood-prone areas. However, that would require running deep gravity lines and installing new pump stations on higher ground. The soil in this area is poor and even sanitary sewer lines require pilling support. Additionally, most of this area is a Voluntary Clean Up Site requiring special permitting to dig and dispose of soil. Moving these stations and associated piping would cost tens of millions of dollars.
Comment Period:
Comments are solicited from the public; local, state, or federal agencies; and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of the proposed project. The comments should be made in writing and addressed to North Charleston Sewer District. All comments are due within 15 days of this notice. North Charleston Sewer District will forward comments to applicable regulatory agencies as needed.
Interested persons may submit comments, obtain more detailed information about the proposed action, or request a copy of the findings by contacting:
Jarred R. Jones, Executive Director
North Charleston Sewer District
PO Box 63009
North Charleston, SC 29419
POSTED ON: September 13, 2022
End of Notice
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